The Agile Factory
The book

Agile in a nutshell

The Agile Factory is in practice a craft factory of the modern type, drawing heavily on what technology makes available today and, through a new way of working, truly putting People at the center, without whom technology alone would do very little.

The current context

VUCA world, the need to emphasize exploration as an alternative to efficiency (Exploitation) and its impact on the speed of product development.

Developing products in today's Complex Environment

The complexity of the product development process and the seven principles of Complexity Theory.

Innovation and invention

Because the goal of every company is innovation, and invention a way to get there. The conditions for deep innovation.

The four methodologies of project management

The suitability of the 4 project management modes-Waterfall, Lean, Project Management 2.0, and Agile-to enable adaptive planning.

From idea to product in an effective way

From Canvas to Product: a minimal, no-frills approach to developing a product.

The Product Exploration

The Marketing Mix, the role of the PO and the Exploration project to assess the opportunity to start product development.

The Project Portfolio

In a VUCA world, speed of development is a strategic factor, as is assigning the correct priority to projects to be developed through visual Portfolio management.

The concept of value

Product quality and Kano's Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction model. The receptive part of the market to which to target the Minimum Achievable Products.
The agile and elastic product development
Agile development of physical products requires some adaptations from software products, including the construction of "Pretotypes," forerunners of prototypes to be used as bait.
The Backlog and User Experience in Physical Products.
Managing the Backlog, i.e., the set of things to be done, in a structured way to cadence work in the iterative and incremental approach is the essence of Agile for physical products as well.
Risk management
Classic high-level risk management integrated within the Backlog allows it to fit seamlessly within the agile approach.
The Agile Factory for physical product development
Extending agile development by integrating physical activities with design activities makes Concurrent Engineering possible, with very remarkable results.
A little practice with Three Cases of Product Development.
Three examples of design problems of increasing complexity, with proposed possible management methods specific to each case.
Agile people
The transition to Agility is a delicate process that involves management as much as operational people, through middle managers.
Four business cases
The concept of Agile Factory is something truly concrete, evidenced by 4 representative business cases from small, medium and large enterprises.
The final synthesis condensed into the 13 Fundamentals that represent the essence of the Agile Factory.