The Agile Factory

Libro Fabbrica Agile

The Backlog and User Experience in Physical Products.

Agile is often identified with the word “Scrum” SCRUM, by which is meant a structured way of cadencing work in the iterative and incremental approach.

Scrum and Story Mapping

Scrum and Story Mapping, which originated in the software world, are synergistic for physical products as well.

The “Stories” represent the building blocks that make up the set of things to do, or Backlog. For a physical product, User Stories are not enough, but more are needed such as Job Stories and the brand new Hardware Stories proposed in this book.

The multiplicity of ways to use a product-such as how it is used, cleaned and maintained-is answered in the innovative Experience Mapping or Use Experience Map proposed in this book, which integrates more traditional Story Mapping. Slicing up the Backlog and assigning them development priorities is the very essence of iterative and incremental development.