Category: Agile Hardware Development

metodo agile best practice Agili

La nostra missione è quella di condividere conoscenze e best practice Agili per aiutarti a migliorare la tua esperienza sulle migliori pratiche di agilità aziendale, gestione dei progetti, sviluppo prodotti e innovazione tecnologica con metodo Agile.
Continua a seguire Fabbrica Agile per rimanere aggiornato sulle ultime tendenze Agili e scoprire nuovi modi per implementare l’agilità nel tuo lavoro. Se hai domande o desideri approfondire un argomento specifico, non esitare a contattarci. Grazie per la tua lettura e a presto!”.


The pretypes i.e., the forerunners of the product

Pretypes are quick and inexpensive demonstrators to test key ideas before creating complete prototypes. I am talking about an...

A cross functional team in the worksite

The article recounts the experience of applying agile approaches in the construction world, specifically on a construction worksite....
concurrent engineering in edilizia

Concurrent engineering in construction

I talk about the application of concurrent engineering in construction, with a focus on executive design using BIM. The craftsmanship...

Cost shadow in product development and possible actions - Part 2

To reduce the cost of the product and its development, it is necessary to act mainly on the design by introducing the mode of...

Shadow of costs in product development - Part 1

Design has a major impact on product costs because during this activity the choices are made about the product that generate little...

I was always looking for people to refute me

Davide Cervellin gave me the opportunity to talk about agility in companies that make physical products. It was an interview in...
Sviluppare i prodotti ad alta tecnologia

Develop the high-tech products

Agile High Tech Hardware Development – A case Study Why develop high-tech hardware in an agile way? Concurrent engineering is...
prodotto high tech

High Tech Product Development - Part 2

The structured breakdown of the backlog in High Tech Product Development is critical to manage a short-term adaptive approach...

High Tech Product Development in Agile Mode - Part 1

High-tech product development in agile mode makes concurrent engineering fully possible even with large cross-functional teams. The...

Agile design of building constructions - Part 2

Agile Design for Building Construction Agile design of building construction is based on teamwork of professionals with very different...