Category: Agile Management

metodo agile best practice Agili

La nostra missione è quella di condividere conoscenze e best practice Agili per aiutarti a migliorare la tua esperienza sulle migliori pratiche di agilità aziendale, gestione dei progetti, sviluppo prodotti e innovazione tecnologica con metodo Agile.
Continua a seguire Fabbrica Agile per rimanere aggiornato sulle ultime tendenze Agili e scoprire nuovi modi per implementare l’agilità nel tuo lavoro. Se hai domande o desideri approfondire un argomento specifico, non esitare a contattarci. Grazie per la tua lettura e a presto!”.

Piramide scomesse sulle innovazioni-cmp

How to bet on product innovation?

It is very important to balance innovative bets in product development projects, using Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s innovation...

Industry 5.0 - What organization to put people at the center?

The European community is promoting with Industry 5.0 a new way of doing business to bring value not only to shareholders but...

Why is the bimodal enterprise so difficult to implement?

Creating a bimodal enterprise, balancing efficiency and exploration, is arduous. Companies often prefer incremental innovation,...
concurrent engineering in edilizia

Concurrent engineering in construction

I talk about the application of concurrent engineering in construction, with a focus on executive design using BIM. The craftsmanship...

I was always looking for people to refute me

Davide Cervellin gave me the opportunity to talk about agility in companies that make physical products. It was an interview in...

Cross-functional teams with high skills

Cross-functional teams with high-skilled people are key to doing concurrent engineering and developing sustainable products. The...
organizational silos

Organizational silos and domain knowledge.

Silos in organizations are vertical areas of domain expertise, and they are an obstacle to functioning cross functional agile...
approach to coaching according to the grow model

Agile change management and the GROW model

The GROW model In manufacturing companies, some aspects of the GROW model and the related coaching process can be very effective...
Agile approach in Tesla

The Agile in Tesla

The surprise of the Agile approach in continuous product improvement at Tesla Once released into production, upon completion of...
custom orders

The management of custom orders in an Agile mode

The agile approach integrated with other techniques enables custom job order management. In this way mass customization, becomes...