
What is the Agile Factory – StoryTime Interview

In this interview with Antonio Panareo of Story Time, we talked about the agile innovation factory that I set up during my last company experience. Setting up this agile factory was a real gamble and I speak from my experience with my teams.

In this interview with Antonio Panareo of Story Time, we talked about what is the agile factory which is alongside the traditional factory that generates current sales with established products.

The agile innovation factory

Si tratta di una fabbrica chenon c’è normally in companies, because it is organised to ideate and develop the products that will generate the turnover of the future. That is why I like to call it the factory of the turnover that will come.

This story is based on my most recent business experience where, thanks to the trust given to me by the company owners, I have been able to establish since 2015 a Innovation factory based on agile approaches.

The bet of the agile factory had proved necessary because the development of agile design alone accompanied by traditional construction produced partial and insufficient results.

It was a challenging undertaking to set up this autonomous production unit, because it integrated design activities with construction and validation activities in the Agile mode, which was brand new for physical products.

We have initiated in a few years an agile factory which, in 2020, involved more than 190 people subdivided into 16 teams developing as many industrial products. In this way, with my teams we were able to realise more than 50 industrial products. I am talking about the experience I have had with my teams. I have seen for the people on my teams it has been very challenging to make an incomplete product, not imperfect but incomplete, and then have it evolve and grow in volume with the feedback received from the market. Much better than making well a complete product that has little success.

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The pretypes i.e., the forerunners of the product

Pretypes are quick and inexpensive demonstrators to test key ideas before creating complete prototypes. I am talking about an automated palletizing project where we made a pretotype of the most critical component, which was the tray, in just 15 days. We saved several months and significant investment. This pretotype allowed us to validate the best materials with which to build the final tray.

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