Category: Articles

metodo agile best practice Agili

La nostra missione è quella di condividere conoscenze e best practice Agili per aiutarti a migliorare la tua esperienza sulle migliori pratiche di agilità aziendale, gestione dei progetti, sviluppo prodotti e innovazione tecnologica con metodo Agile.
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Discovery & Construction

Product Discovery Product Construction

I talk to you about innovative product development, inspired by the book “Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love ”...

The pretypes i.e., the forerunners of the product

Pretypes are quick and inexpensive demonstrators to test key ideas before creating complete prototypes. I am talking about an...
Piramide scomesse sulle innovazioni-cmp

How to bet on product innovation?

It is very important to balance innovative bets in product development projects, using Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s innovation...

What is the Agile Factory - StoryTime Interview

In this interview with Antonio Panareo of Story Time, we talked about the agile innovation factory that I established during my...

Industry 5.0 - What organization to put people at the center?

The European community is promoting with Industry 5.0 a new way of doing business to bring value not only to shareholders but...

Why is the bimodal enterprise so difficult to implement?

Creating a bimodal enterprise, balancing efficiency and exploration, is arduous. Companies often prefer incremental innovation,...

A cross functional team in the worksite

The article recounts the experience of applying agile approaches in the construction world, specifically on a construction worksite....
concurrent engineering in edilizia

Concurrent engineering in construction

I talk about the application of concurrent engineering in construction, with a focus on executive design using BIM. The craftsmanship...

Cost shadow in product development and possible actions - Part 2

To reduce the cost of the product and its development, it is necessary to act mainly on the design by introducing the mode of...

Shadow of costs in product development - Part 1

Design has a major impact on product costs because during this activity the choices are made about the product that generate little...